He Totally Learned That From Me

7 01 2011

In the interest of saving time, rather than telling you what I found out at the doctor this morning, I’ll just direct you to the post wherein I talk about punching my day in the nads, because it turns out I have exactly the same combination of afflictions. I asked my doctor if he thought my insurance would pay for me to live in a bubble and he just laughed at me. Jerk.

But enough about me. Let’s talk about the hilarious things I’m teaching my children!

Big G is obsessed with Angry Birds. If you don’t know what Angry Birds is, well…that’s probably a good thing. Angry Birds is a ridiculously addictive game available on many smart phones that sucks away hours of your life while creating within you an unreasonable hatred of scum-sucking, egg-stealing pigs. Ahem. Not that I’ve ever played it.

The upside is I’ve been able to turn Angry Birds into a sort of rewards system. “If Grandma and Grandpa tell me you’ve been super-good at their house today, you can play Angry Birds when I pick you up!” He’s actually motivated by this, and it’s free! It’s pretty fantastic.

Also fantastic? Sitting next to Big G while he’s playing Angry Birds and hearing him mutter at the pigs, “Wretched beasts.”

Yeah. He totally learned that from me.



6 responses

8 01 2011

I’m with Rach! 😀 I’d bet that’s super cute to hear for reals! 😀 Hee!

8 01 2011

i’d pay to hear a 5 year old mutter “wretched beasts.” but only about 50 cents.

8 01 2011
7 01 2011

You’re a genius! I never would have thought to use apps as a reward program!!! GENIUS!!!!

7 01 2011

There are absolutely worse things you could be teaching him. He’s telling off a video game, not getting into my music collection. (Although I think you might find the Exhumed cover of “Material Girl” hilarious!) Enjoy the motivation while it lasts, I say!

7 01 2011

They ARE wretched beasts, the time-sucking evil creatures. Grrr.

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