Lazy Blogging with Gratuitous Cuteness

26 11 2010

It’s been a long weekend, and I haven’t even worked my 10 hour shift at the pharmacy yet. Also? I have a new archnemesis: pie. Yes, it is yummy, but it is also evil. Long story. Okay, not really, but I’m lazy. Didn’t you read the title?

So I’m going to bed. For tonight’s post, I’m providing you with Thanksgiving footage of Little G. You’re welcome.



5 responses

27 11 2010


27 11 2010

Cute OVERLOAD!!! 🙂

27 11 2010

ohmycrap I think my ovaries just exploded. seriously. that much cute is not allowed! nope. not cool. too much cute. 😉

I like that he occasionally looks at you like, woman, why are you making me do this? so cute.

27 11 2010

dude, i TOTALLY howl each time i smack myself in the nose with the rolling pin. which is more often than you’d think.

g’s got a leg up in the pastry business already.

27 11 2010

i like that most animals say raaaaawr! i was disappointed that the trains didn’t say “we cause confusion and delay.”

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